3 steps to (finally) start earning the income you’re capable of

Let’s start with some truth: I never earned more than $35k working for someone else. What I remember most from my corporate days is feeling frustrated—especially with my income. I’d sit in meetings, knowing I was just as competent as anyone else in the room, yet I was paid way less. I knew I was capable of more, but my paycheck didn’t reflect it.
I thought if I just worked hard enough, or long enough hours, one day my boss would magically value my contribution four times more and give me a fat raise. 😆 Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work that way. The truth was, I had so many internal patterns, beliefs, and limitations holding me back—things I didn’t even recognize at the time. For starters, I didn’t see my own value but expected my bosses to. That’s also not how it works.🤦♀️ When you don’t see the value of your own contribution, no one else will either. I couldn’t advocate for myself or negotiate effectively because deep down, I didn’t believe I deserved more. Relate?
Fast forward: I left that job, started my own business, grew it to six figures, and here I am today, running my dream business and living the life I used to dream about. I never would’ve made it here if I’d kept believing it was all about the external stuff—like how hard I worked, or how many hours I put in. So, I say all that to mean, if you’re feeling stuck, knowing you’re capable of more but not seeing it in your paycheck, I get it. Here are three actionable steps to help you start earning in line with the value you bring and the income you’re truly capable of:
Step 1: Recognize your contribution and impact
Your job title and years of experience don’t tell the whole story. If you feel like you’re working harder than everyone else but getting paid the least, it’s probably because the value you bring isn’t being fully recognized—by anyone, including and especially: you.
Grab your journal: Write down how your work benefits your company or clients. Focus on measurable outcomes, successful projects, and unique skills. This can include training, certifications, or degrees—but know that those aren’t required to bring tons of value. Writing out why your contribution matters will help you communicate the value you’re creating—and why it deserves more compensation. (Hint: If you can’t think of at least 10, you need to list 50! That’s a sign you’re not fully seeing what you bring to the table.)
Step 2: Ask to be compensated for that value—and be willing to move on
Hard work alone won’t guarantee the income you’re capable of earning. If you want to be paid for your skills and contributions, you have to ask for it—and sometimes, you have to be willing to move on if you can’t come to a suitable agreement.
Take action: Schedule a conversation with your boss to discuss a raise. (Or, if you’re the boss, set time to review your pricing structure or fees.) Do your research, know your contribution, and confidently ask for the income you deserve. And here’s the key: Be willing to walk away if you can’t come to an agreement that’s in line with your impact. This isn’t a game—it’s your new truth. Once you fully own your value, you’ll no longer feel inclined to accept less, and that’s a far more powerful place to negotiate from.
Step 3: Stop waiting for permission or recognition
If you’ve been stuck for years, bumping your head on an income ceiling with no real growth, it might be time to create your own opportunities. This was true for me. If I’d stayed in corporate, I doubt I’d have ever “picked myself” and owned my value. Leaving was my way of “putting my money where my mouth was,” and it required doing the internal work to own what I was truly capable of.
Listen, Linda! The bottom line is: the longer you wait for someone else to notice your potential, the longer you delay earning the income you’re capable of and making the impact you’re meant to make! What are you waiting for?!
Grab your journal: If you gave yourself permission to pursue that business idea, side hustle, or new career path, what would it look like? Who, what, when, where, how? Don’t get caught up in all the little details, just give yourself permission to dream big for a moment. Whether you’re starting something new or leveling up, knowing you control your next step is the key to unlocking the income you’re capable of. Stop waiting to be picked—pick yourself.
Truth: You don’t earn what you’re “worth.” You earn what you charge, that others are willing to pay. Your worth isn’t in question; it’s immeasurable. But the value you offer in your career work isn’t. It def does have a number tied to it, and if you’re earning less than what you know you’re capable of, now’s the time to take action. Stop waiting for permission. Stop waiting to be picked. Stop waiting, because the thing you’re waiting for isn’t coming.
What’s the first step you’ll take to start earning what you’re capable of? DM me, I’d love to hear! And for more on growing your income and making an impact, subscribe below!
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