Why can't I find the answer / strategy / solution, so I can (finally!) reach my goals?

I’m a recovering frantic searcher. I was always frantically consuming personal and professional development in the name of finding the answer to the question: Why can’t I get where I...

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Working really hard but still not reaching your goals, and can’t figure out why?

Ohhhh, friend, I soooo relate! In every way, that was my story, my experience, my journey. I had a vision of a life that I wanted to create, goals and dreams I wanted to bring to life. There was a...

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The mirror || Setting boundaries on who you share your dreams with

Do you watch sports? Even if you don't, I think you'll know what I'm talking about here. You know how, during every sports game broadcast on TV, when a player makes an error, or a coach calls a...

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Are you limiting yourself with this belief without even realizing it? (I was!) || A practical convo on manifestation

I had an incredibly powerful conversation recently about manifestation and attracting your desires. It was so powerful that I decided to capture it in writing and share it with...

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STOP cutting yourself off from this superpower!

In the high performance and achievement space we’re taught (surprisingly often) to ignore how we feel, and focus only on what we do.

Discipline, they say, is doing the thing...

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You’re not the only one who “doesn’t know”

I’ve known the general direction I wanted to go in life for a very long time. Not every detail, but definitely the big-picture vision. The coaching business and brand that I have now has been...

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The secret (and the opportunity)

Remember Cool Runnings, the 90s movie about the Jamaican Olympic bobsled team? The coach tells one of the team members, about their pursuit of a gold medal, “If you’re not enough...

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My journey


I'm a certified transformational coach. My unique calling is helping you show up for yours. I’m so happy you’re here and we’re connecting! 

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Being willing to do the work (WTF does that mean?)

I used to get real sick of hearing, in books, blogs, podcasts, or programs, that I needed to be willing to “do the work." I’d think: I don’t know what facking work you're talking...

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Would you rather be happy or rich?

Either / or. One, or the other. The message is clear. You can’t have it all, so don’t want it, don’t expect it, don’t even think it.

"Why can’t you just be grateful...

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transformation PLUS action | being AND doing

Over and over again -- here on the blog, in my social content, in my day-to-day conversations, all the ways and places -- I talk a lot about internal transformation, and/or doing the internal work....

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Letting it be easy

achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties
a period of time free from worries or problems

absence of difficulty or effort.
make (something unpleasant, painful,...

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