Are you limiting yourself with this belief? Change your mind, change your life.

I had an incredibly powerful conversation recently about manifestation and attracting your desires. It was so powerful that I decided to capture it in writing and share it with you. It's possible you’ve connected with this concept before, it’s not a new idea. But it landed for me in a way it never has before; Maybe you'll relate and benefit, too. β€οΈ
Note: I don't teach manifestation as an individual concept. The principles of energetics mostly align with, and entirely overlap, the core of what works to create results on every strategic level. They are mostly the same or similar concepts, with different science and reasoning behind them. For that reason, this doesn’t necessarily have a “home” on my blog or in my work, but it was powerful, so I want to share.
The nugget we uncovered was a powerful awareness that we were being two separate versions of ourselves in our daily lives.
VERSION 1: One version moved through life connected to our vision of our goals, dreams, and desires, believing everything was possible and available.
VERSION 2: The other version, however, was living entirely in the reality of today’s circumstances, focused on what to do about today’s problems, and believing any change in our reality had to come from a specific change in our actions related to today’s circumstances.
When we were living in Version 1, everything felt possible, but only as a concept. Our desires felt possible someday, but we never felt like it was available now, today. It was still an upgraded vibration and experience, because it feels better to believe that all the good things you desire are available and possible, than it does to believe you’re stuck, or can't ever have them, or "get there." We could shift into Version 1 and get quick hit of high vibe energy.
But – and this is the key point – we realized that after we did that, we’d always eventually shift back into Version 2, and primarily live our lives from that place. The "realistic" place. It (metaphorically) sounds like:
“It's so great to connect to my dreams, but now it’s time to get back to work. In real life, in my currently reality, there are circumstances (challenges and problems) I must focus on and solve, so I can get to my dream life.”
See the difference?
We realized that we were both genuinely believing our vision and goals were possible, and at times we were connected to that energy. BUT, on every single occasion, we’d shift out of that space, back into believing that what currently is, is all that’s available to us right now. We weren’t truly showing up and acting with the belief that what we desire is available now. It was always a future concept to be experienced and realized Someday.
So, what were we attracting?
A life of always being about to experience good things...TOMORROW. We’d both been manifesting a life of high vibes and possibility. The end. The story ends with us being about to experience our true desires.
Holy. Shit. Moment. For us. π€― YES!
I’m not saying we’ve never achieved any goals, or created any pieces of our vision and dream, because we both have, many times over. We’ve both brought plenty individual goals and desires to life. But the key thing to notice is that the goals we’ve brought to life were the goals we bought into as possible and available today; Possible for us to create now.
They always followed a linear path. And without going too deep into a science I don’t fully understand and don’t teach, quantum physics shows that energy doesn’t follow a linear path. Humans think in linear terms, in terms of time and progression, but time and progression is just a limitation of our thinking and perception. It’s not how energy actually moves.
When we think about becoming a millionaire, we think about all the steps and stages between where we currently are and having a million dollars. But science says that energy (matter) doesn’t move that way. The million $ is available NOW, at every moment. But we believe we have to go through steps and stages to get it, because that's what matches our perception of reality.
In this example, the potential for us to experience the millionaire life we desire exists at every second, including NOW. But our brain doesn’t believe that. Our brain wants to see the steps and progress toward that goal over time. So, we focus on the steps and stages between here and there, and thus, bring those circumstances to life instead.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
If you’ve been here long you’ve heard me talk about my past addiction to really hard work. This is one of the reasons I developed that addiction. When I worked really, really hard, it helped me build belief that the things I desired were possible, and further, that they were possible NOW – after all that hard work. I was believing that what I desired was available to me only after I did hard work. The hard work became justification, or proof, that what I desired should and would happen.
And, of course, we know that hard work isn’t necessarily required to create results. There are very hard-working people without the results you desire, and not especially hard-working people with the results you desire, right? Hard work doesn’t necessarily produce results.
I was believing that if I worked really hard, I would get a certain result. Once I worked really hard, I would allow myself to believe it was possible, energetically align with the result I desired, show up in the world and act accordingly, and only then be willing and expect to receive it. I was making hard work a necessary ingredient. (Relate?!)
But I digress. A belief in hard work is only one of the possible train derailments we can end up on. The bottom line is this: Your opportunity is to believe the outcome(s) you desire is (are) available to you NOW, not some future day, and to show up and live your life from that place, with that belief. Now.
Most people get up every morning and start following their routines and habits.
They do basically the same things today that they did yesterday. Here’s how it was playing out for us: We’d get up, and start into our days "knowing" our goals and dreams were possible for us...someday. We weren’t showing up and acting like today would be any different than yesterday, because we genuinely believed that today was going to be about the same as yesterday. And then we’d recreate that same experience over, and over again. Get up, follow our routines, believing in our goals coming true someday. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Your outcomes won’t change until you change what you do, how you actually show up in life.
And you won’t change what you do, how you’re actually showing up, until you change what you think, believe, and feel. If you’re thinking, believing, and feeling that today is going to go pretty much exactly like yesterday, then that’s exactly what you’re going to create – energetically and practically speaking. This is where it gets really practical and actionable. There is where the energetics meets the practical action. Or, as Jenna Kutchers says, “Where the woo meets the work.”
As long as you’re living your life knowing and believing that your goals and desires are possible for you someday, in some version of tomorrow, you’ll continue creating that experience of life; A life of infinite potential that’s always just about to be realized, but never actually is.
Your new way of thinking and being
Begin to shift your focus off of the goals and desires that you believe you can achieve someday, and put your focus onto your goals and desires you believe can and will come to life NOW. What amazing result do you believe you is available TODAY? Live into THAT. Once you realize that goal/desire, shift your focus again, to the next set of goals and desires that you believe can and will come to life NOW.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
As a belief system, shift from, “Tomorrow will be better than today,” into, “Today is better than yesterday.” Because you can’t live in tomorrow, you can only live in today.
How does this land for you? Shoot me a DM on IG @alirspicer and let me know. I’d love to hear!
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