These days…so. Much. BUSYNESS.
And is it enough? Is it ever enough? Can there be enough, or at least the feeling of enough?
Or too much…is it sometimes too much? Because sometimes it...
40 and a half weeks pregnant, just tapping my foot! Ironically, I have felt better in the last week and a half than I have in a very long time. I went through intense spells of not being able to...
I know, I know, trimesters. But I can’t help but see the parallels between the last month of pregnancy and the fourth quarter of a game. At this point you’re probably injured or in some...
You’d be hard pressed to find someone more laid back about labor and delivery than I. I’ve been asked many times about my birth plan, and my response is always the same: Oh, I think...
Five months pregnant! You know what they say, time flies when you’re having nausea and back aches! Wait…
I can’t believe it’s been five months, and at the same time it...
Anyone else grow up in a really competitive household? It wasn’t necessarily that we competed with each other (sometimes), but in general, it was a Type A atmosphere, and everyone moved...
Truth: If everyone thinks your dream or plan is a good idea, you're probably playing small. Most people don’t think BIG things are possible for them, so they don’t think big...
Such a loaded word. We love to hate it, don't we? We want different results in our lives, but we don't want anything to have to change to get them. We're conditioned to want...
Losing Mom was one of those things in life that I couldn't prepare for. You can't prepare for that kind of loss, for that kind of unknown. The years Mom was sick are the same years I was...
I was a sophomore in college when we found out my mom had cancer. I’ve often told people that I reacted like someone that didn’t know anything about anything about cancer, which is to...